Thank you for visiting our website. Our privacy policy informs how we use information gathered through this site. Please read carefully prior to using or submitting personal information on our website. By using this site you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of our privacy policy.

1. We collect personal identifiable information like names, emails and phone numbers when voluntarily submitted by our users. The information provided is to fulfill your specific needs or requests, and will not be used in another manner, unless giving authorization to do so, like adding you to a mailing list.

2. Our website use cookies to make the experience better for users. Also, the cookies and tracking technology is useful for obtaining information such as browser types, operating systems, tracking the number of visitor to our Site and learning how said visitors use the Site. This will help us improve and customize content for our users. Personal identifiable information is not collected via cookies or other tracking technologies. Cookies information collected on this site may be shared to third parties.

3. We will not sell, share or otherwise provide your personal identifiable information, unless in the event of fraud investigation or when required by law to government agencies or related companies. The information will not be provided for marketing purposes.

4. We are committed to protect your information. Therefore, all personal identifiable information received via our website will only be available to authorized employees, agents and sub-contractors, whom have agreed to keep said information confidential. Also, you will have the option to unsubscribe to any emails and newsletters.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us via our Contact Form or call us at 713-491-4540.