10% DISCOUNT on Property Tax through April 30th, Roatan Honduras


If you own property in Roatan, Bay Islands ─ or Honduras in general ─ we encourage you to take advantage of the ten percent (10%) discount on the current-year property taxes offered by Municipalities nationwide as incentive for early payment. Said discount is valid through April 30th. We advise paying as early as possible and not wait until the last days because the Municipality becomes overcrowded with long lines of last-minute-payers, and could take hours before your turn. Yes, the art of procrastination at its finest.

If you are unable to capitalize on the early payment discount, do not worry. You still have time to pay your taxes without incurring in late fees or penalties on the current year taxes. The maximum pay date for property taxes in Honduras is August 31st.

Here’s a list of documents/items we recommend you take, when paying property taxes:

1) Previous year receipt (or last receipt you have), containing all the pertinent info needed for the Muni to identify the property and create the new receipt for payment. It also serves as proof of the latest year paid should they encounter any errors within the system. While the Municipalities’ systems are now computerized, we all know that even electronic systems aren’t fail proof. As of late, this has become less and less of an issue, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

2) To be on the one-hundred-percent-safe-side, take a copy of your title ─ or at the very minimum have it available on your phone or other electronic device, via email or downloaded at the ready ─ for any issues that could arise such as verification of name or property size.

3) Form of payment. The Municipality of Roatan accepts cash and credit cards (Visa and MasterCard). On the other hand, the Municipality of Santos Guardiola only accepts cash. Neither Municipality takes foreign or regular checks, only certified checks from a Honduran Bank.

Prior to leaving the Municipality, PLEASE CHECK YOUR RECEIPTS for possible errors.

Hence, when reviewing your receipt please verify the following:

1) Name matches your title document.

2) The Cadastral Number (Clave Catastral) is correct.

3) The area/size of the property matches your title doc. as well.

4) The year(s) paid.

Not in Honduras and need assistance paying your taxes? Century 21 Roatan Real Estate provides the service for a small fee (limited to properties located on the Island of Roatan). Please contact us via our website’s “Contact US” Form. It would be our pleasure to help. We kindly ask that you reach out to us with enough time taking into consideration the following: A tax quote must be obtained first, and then funds sent to us and received in Honduras in order to proceed. The process can take from ten (10) days to over a month depending on payment method (wire transfer which is the quickest and most efficient way; or mailing and clearing of check).